Keeping you in touch with all my growing up

Monday, July 02, 2007

So much new news

It's been a while. I never got to fill you in on the baby that was coming (and all my thoughts and concerns re. becoming a big brother) like I promised I would. I honestly thought I had heaps of time to fill you in. So did mum. But suddenly one night Mum and Dad disappeared and said they were off to the 'hosbitl' to get 'the baby'. When I saw them next there was this big whopping baby - 'your little sister' they said. Well, since that day things haven't been quite the same. To name a few - my mum (she had this huge tummy now it's gone), my hair (dreads are gone), my age (I'm now a 'big boy' of 2!). Not to mention 'Isabella' being around. She's pretty cute though. I'm adapting well Mum says. She also says I am good at sharing (note octopus present I gave her). One thing Isabella is not allowed to share is my Wiggles blanket. "No no no. That's mine Mummy!" I can do a pretty good tantrum if needed about that one. Just to make my point.

Well gotta go help mum check out an Ella poo. She just does them all day. 'Whiz pops everywhere!!' (That one's for you Uncle Les!)

Liji Beau


Blogger Melanie said...

wow liji, you are such a good big brother, and your sister is very beautiful. Princess Mary must have thought so too as she has copied her name for her little baby :P

Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:02:00 pm


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