Keeping you in touch with all my growing up

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Marmalade and Honey

Today Isabella and I hung out in my cot with Marmalade and Honey (our bears) for a while before Isabella had to go have a bit of a squark and I had to go sit on the potty.

After that, I did a bit of drawing, a tad of reading and more potty sitting.

This 'potty training' just seems to go on and on. So far today I have had 1 accident and 4 successes. Something strange happened the other day....Big Ted was showing me how to use the potty (Mum's idea - she figured a bit of role playing might help) and well...he did, "a blue wee wee!!" I can't figure it out. I've tried to do blue ones too, but each time I jump up to check they're never blue. Hmmmm...maybe I need to colour them in with my crayons??

Anyway. I gotta go. My Grandad is here for a play/paint.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys - always fun to read your weird and wacky adventures... will try and call again soon xx jess

Friday, July 20, 2007 5:30:00 pm

Blogger The Richardsons said...

Wow Lij, you're such a big boy now! You'll have to show Django how cool it is to not need to wear nappies any more! As for blue wee wees, I have heard that paint is good, just don't tell your mum, surprise her!

Django has been trying to jump like you all week - 'jump, lij?' you'll have to show him again soon since you are such a pro :)

lots of love
auntie tin

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 3:29:00 pm


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